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The movie AI

hellthorne , February 29 2020, 12:10
hellthorne 5
January 09 2020, 12:10 #67
There's a ME in the movie, "AI." This is the one that did it for me, because it is so obviously wrong now. I specifically remember this scene. Someone pointed out the ME to me and I couldn't believe how it had changed.

The last scene called, "David's Happiest Day." When the mom, Monica, asks, "What day is it?" What does David respond? I remember him saying, "It's my birthday!" ME says, "It is today." This makes no sense and doesn't even fit with the movie. Why would Monica buy that response?

David was born that day -- he became a real boy, and he was able to die. Later in the scene, Monica is shown holding a birthday cake and David blowing out the candles.

This one I would swear to.