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  • The Alternate Memories Forums

Forum features

carter.tweed , February 29 2020, 10:36
carter.tweed 29
January 03 2020, 08:36 #64
These forums are a little different to the ones you might have seen elsewhere.
You can upload your own avatar. Please note, in order to keep them manageable the size is restricted to 100x100 pixels.
New users are permitted to embed images in posts, using the appropriate toolbar button.
New users can embed YouTube videos directly in their posts using the appropriate toolbar button.
Links to other areas of these forums are also allowed.
These features are granted by default to everyone and any of them can be revoked if they are abused.
Posts containing external links will automatically go to moderation and will not appear if inappropriate.
Posts containing email addresses will find they automatically become partially obscured.
To prevent spam a time restriction between posts is in force.