Historical Events  Science
Razzle Dazzle Ships

Razzle Dazzle ships are not well known

Razzle Dazzle ships are well known

You'd never forget seeing a Razzle Dazzle ship

Sometimes the Mandela Effect can work in reverse. This is where suddenly something appears which no-one can remember, yet by it's nature many people should.

The Razzle Dazzle Ships are a good example, where very distinctive black and white striped camouflage was used on WW1 battleships. Once seen, never forgotten - so why have so few people even heard of them?

Razzle Dazzle was the term given to the camouflage where the intent wasn't to hide the target - that's not possible for a ship - but to obscure it's size and the direction it's travelling in from a distance. The point was to confuse submarines of the day who needed to anticipate the speed and direction of a vessel. The torpedoes had to be fired ahead of the target's position in order to succeed. There were no automatic guidance systems available back then.

Those experiencing the Mass Memory Discrepancy Effect claim a whole batch of images suddenly appeared on the internet, yet no-one can remember these playing any part when it's claimed they did, nor featuring in any historical accounts of naval warfare at the time.

Well documented

Wikipedia says the Razzle Dazzle technique was used extensively in World War 1. Each ship was painted differently too. This was done so even the type of ship - frigate, destroyer etc - wasn't easily identifiable.

There are many movies of this period too - why don't any of them show it either?

Razzle Dazzle ship