Historical Events  People
Henry Winkler

Henry Winkler died in 2014 or 2017

Henry Winkler is alive

"Aaaaaaay" - The Fonz signs off

At the time of writing, Henry Winkler - yes, The Fonz himself - is alive and well. He was reported dead in 2014 and again in 2017, which must have bothered him a bit as there are reports of this happening waaaaaay to many times now.

This seems more like a crazy internet death hoax than a Mandela Effect since there aren't many people who swear they remember him dying, such as with the original Nelson Mandela.

On Thursday July 13, 2017, a post got a million likes on Facebook reading “At about 11 a.m. ET on Thursday (July 13, 2017), our beloved actor Henry Winkler passed away. Henry Winkler was born on October 30, 1945 in New York. He will be missed but not forgotten. Please show your sympathy and condolences by commenting on and liking this page.” It was waaaaaaay off the mark.


Can you imagine the Fonz doing Macbeth? That's how Winkler started out, as a Shakesperean theatre actor from 1668 to 1972, as well as performing in some other classics whilst at Yale. He also performed in many movies during his time in Happy Days. After the show ended in the 1980's, he went on to become a television producer with popular titles such as MacGyver, So Wierd and Mr. Sunshine to his credit.

This isn't the only Mandela Effect involving Henry Winkler, there's another around the color of his jacket when he played Fonzie.