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Groundhog Day

p.baker , February 29 2020, 21:25
p.baker 2
January 20 2020, 21:25 #77
I have a memory of a scene no longer in the movie or in any deleted bonus scenes i could find. In the movie Bill Murray's character is killed in many different ways. I have a memory that one of the ways he died was frozen to death. I remember a scene of him out in the snow frozen solid.

I did see this movie when it originally came out in the theater. Maybe it was taken out i don't know. Wondering if anyone else has had this memory.
BoltOLightnin 11
January 21 2020, 22:50 #95
Yeah ... that kinda sounds famiiar, it made me think of the last scene with Jack Nicholson in The Shining.
simon.magnuson 5
March 02 2020, 16:34 #112
Yes but does it sound familiar BoltOLightnin because someone has just told you, or do you really remember it?